The Donkey Show
The Donkey Show
”The Donkey Show” is an imaginative and inclusive exhibition that brings together artists, performers and communities form around the world to highlight how a simple idea can inspire creativity, unity and joy.
The exhibition focuses on the donkey- a symbol of hard work humility and perseverance, as well as parody, humour and simplicity- to demonstrate how art and it’s creation continuously bounces between these traits.
Through it’s inherent simplicity and clear limitations, the exhibition fosters accessibility and community building, whilst diversity and multiplicity are emphasised as we exhaust every idea surrounding the ‘donkey’ as we possibly can.
Submissions close : 20th September 12:00 noon
4th – 6th October
EMBASSY Gallery,
10B Broughton Street Lane
*We share a main door with ‘Gathering Essence’, we are downstairs.