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EMBASSY Membership Structure:

EMBASSY Membership is open to artists and art students above the age of 18.
Three price points, same benefits, pay what you can! 💸
Annual membership costs for 2024 are as follows:

The below guidelines are for reference, you won’t be asked for any proof

RATE 1: £15 

I / we
  • Are comfortably able to meet all basic needs
  • Have expendable income

RATE 2: £8 

I / we 
  • May stress about meeting some basic needs but still regularly achieve them
  • Are employed
  • Have some expendable income

RATE 3: £2 

I / we
  • Frequently stress about meeting basic needs and don’t always achieve them
  • Are not employed or are underemployed
  • Qualify for government and/or voluntary assistance
    Have no or very limited expendable income

To become a Member you must also fill in our equalities monitoring form’

By signing up as a member you will then be able to be involved in the range of opportunities listed below!

EMBASSY membership benefits

These opportunities include showing work in the annual members show, free* access to our gallery via the Community Takeover programme and access to member specific open calls such as our Members Fund!  

Members Show 

The EMBASSY members show is a non-selective, salon style show in which we hang all work submitted.  The members show is a part of our yearly recurring programme and it is a direct way to support and showcase our members.  The show offers an open and welcoming environment to exhibit work and a chance to share performance or live works in front of an audience. The show usually takes place at the beginning of the year however dates vary from year to year!   

Community Takeover Programme 

As an EMBASSY member you have the opportunity to apply to use our space for free, we welcome proposals in a variety of formats but recommend you keep it to less than 500 words and 3-5 images. Please send your proposals to us via email! – We cannot guarantee that we will be able to host your event –

Our space can also be used for any non-permanent art making or project, such as filming, painting, dancing, documenting, performing, or whatever you can think of! 

EMBASSY gallery has a selection of plinths, projectors, screens, media players, and headphones which can be made available upon request.

*if you are an organisation, collective or individual in receipt of sustained funding please get in touch to see our fair hire rates.

EMBASSY Gallery est.2003