2nd August 2023

what do the EMBASSY committee even do all day pt.2 values & archiving. 🤔

Maybe from the last post it just looks like we funk about all day, that MAY be the case SOME of the time but
we have also been up to a lot behind the scenes! so here’s pt.2 of ‘what do the EMBASSY committee even do all day?!

📜Values & Manifesto – Embassy’s never had a manifesto so we are starting to think about what that might look like, how it can inform everything from who we program to how the committee structures itself. We have been thinking about making the implicit explicit while also addressing the future of Embo, its sustainability, ability to care for those who work within and around it as well as thinking about expanding access. We have received support from the wonderful writer and poet Laura Tansley in this process resulting in the brainstorm notes seen above!

📦Archiving – The archive goes on! Now that ‘The Rich Compost of Before’ has been packed away and the archive is boxed up we are beginning to think about indexing, archival hierarchies and how on earth the archive will even be used? Along the way we’ve been supported by artist,
archivist and former @transmissionglasgow committee member @carrieskinner87 in thinking about what it means for an ARI to have an archive, what our capacities are for maintaining it and how it can be accessed! We’ve also had support from the lovely folks at @edinburghzinelibrary